
Canada Eh?

So, we're here in Toronto, Ontario where it seems every typed/written English word has a French cousin a few inches away. Nothing wrong with that except it takes twice as long to read a menu outside of a restaurant (it has routinely taken me several moments to realize I can't read these crazy words littered with je's and oise's). We've been watching some sports on TV (channel 12) repeatedly labelled as "Jeux 2008 Olympiade Pekin" or something and it is so much easier to watch on channels 17 and 6 where they feed us straight English. At the Indians-Blue Jays game I was listening to a guy explain to his girlfriend the game of baseball in French and it occured to me...do they even play baseball in France? Assuming they don't (just for fun) I wonder what words he had to make up for a "suicide squeeze" or "ground rule double". That's fun to think about. Staying on theme, I believe we in the USA are way behind other countries in language education...I personally cannot think of five people I know who can speak two languages fluently, but I guarantee that's not true for the girlfriend I spoke of earlier who clearly spoke English and French with her friends. Anyway, Michael Phelps is a beast and the US Men 4x100 Freestyle Team's performance in the final was one of the most memorable sporting events I've ever watched on TV...check it out on You Tube...I'm sure it's there by now! War Jason Lezak smashing his split!


2 Mitts?

This just came to me...has anyone ever brought up the idea of playing baseball (or softball) with two mitts...one for each hand? It would prevent the fielder (infielder preferably) from having to perform the often difficult "backhand". I'm sure the practice of throwing the opposite mitt off in order to throw the ball could be perfected with hours of sweat. Hmmm... Is it possible I've stumbled across something rule-makers haven't? Prolly not...fun idea though!
War Andruw Jones getting paid $9mil per homerun. Ha!


30 minutes

Sometimes 30 minutes can feel like 2 hours (work) or like 2 minutes (important test). Wow, what a lame first blog...I'll chalk it up to experience and a lack of time.